Monday, June 20, 2011


Who is Pepper you ask?  She is the squirrel.  My son named her, I've watched her now for the last few days, she has let me get right up next to the window and take pictures.  My son thinks this is great fun, I'm not so sure.  Then there is the fact that Pepper has eaten an entire bag of birdseed in a week!  Maybe I could understand in the dead of winter when there is no other sustenance available, but in the summer?  Really?  I mean come on, she's just plain lazy.  She won't be so happy as she realizes that I won't be buying anything else for her to eat until late fall early winter.  Ha!  Hope she likes that.  But how will my son react?  Heaven only knows, he might worry about Pepper, or he might say: "I'm alright with that."  Time will tell.......

I'll post a picture if I can figure out how to........

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