Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ain't nobody got time for this

Yesterday when my son's father dropped him off in the morning I was in the shower.  The window/vent for the shower opens onto the back porch.  The boys dad decided to have a check in with me and carry on a conversation with me through the window.  Can we say awkward?   I mean, I know he couldn't see anything, but the idea of having a conversation with the man while I'm naked, on the other side of a wall, with an open window, trying to carry on a normal conversation is just weird.  Plain weird.  No offense, but he is one of the LAST people I want to have on my mind when I'm naked.  Seriously........the last.
Then I had a lot of other things go wrong, be very stressful throughout the day, hell, let's face's been one hell of a week/month/year.

Fast forward to this morning.  I have papers which need the boys dad's signature.  It's very important it gets signed today.  Our case manager left it here so he could sign when he dropped off the boy this morning.  She was supposed to send out an email as a heads up to him, but life and her other clients got in the way.  I'm stepping out of the shower when I hear the boy walking up the walkway saying goodbye to dad.  In my head I'm saying "no no no no no no no no no no no no no!  You're early, no no no no no no no!  I'm naked!  No no no no no no no!  He's saying goodbye outside,  that means there was no email, he's not coming in! No no no no nononononononononononononono!!!!!"

So, being wet and naked (sorry for that, send me a bill for the hot poker- can't guarantee I can afford to reimburse you but I'll try....) I grab a towel, grab the papers and run down the road yelling my head off trying to get his attention.  No such luck, but I did get a few horrified looks from some of the drivers passing by.  Did I mention I live on a very busy road? Smh

So, in the house I trudge, dry off, dress, and go to make the coffee.  I turned the pot on only to realize 10 min later that I forgot one important ingredient.......water! Again- smh.  Seriously, ain't nobody got time for this......I'm ready for this week to be OVER!!!!!

I am so lucky as my grandparents used to say....

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Husband Wanted

Yes, yes....desperate times call for desperate measures. 
I just finished shoveling the walks and most of the driveway ( I have hopes that my plow man will take care of the end after the storm dies down and the city plow guys have their wicked way with the end of my driveway) and I've had it. 

There are many reasons I would like a husband....someone to share all of life's moments with, you know....the joys, the heartbreaks, the laughter, the tears, the silly, and quiet moments which make a life full and rich. I want someone who shares my faith in GOD and a sense of spirituality, and yes....I want someone who enjoys sex...a lot!

I want someone who is hard working, has a job they enjoy and a car.  Must have a car of their own. Must be honest, trustworthy, compassionate, funny, NOT MARRIED (this is definitely the biggest deal breaker), loves to kiss and spend time together, but is confident and enjoys some time apart once in a while. You must love children, and have extra patience as mine has some special needs...although he more than makes up for any added struggles with his awesomeness.  You must be able to shovel and mow a lawn.  

I am a 40 year old woman and am interested in finding someone somewhat close in age. I'm not real comfortable with someone a lot younger, so I'd say- 40-50 years of age would be fine?

You need to be able to accept me as I am, as I will you, while we also push each other to be the best version of ourselves. 

In return you will receive everything I am expecting in return and more. 

If this sounds like you, or like someone you know...leave me a comment, send me a Facebook message and I will let you know where to send your resume and photo. 

***addendum: terms subject to change without warning and others added when I want to***